Posted in Book of Mormon Doctrine freedom Salvation

“From Whence They Can No More Return”: What Lehi Teaches Us About the Book of Mormon’s Harsh Language on Hell

The Book of Mormon’s teachings on hell sometimes sound much harsher than what we understand from modern revelation. From Joseph’s Smith’s revelations, such as his vision on the three degrees…

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Posted in Bible Book of Mormon chiasmus Evidence Hebrew language literature poetry Scholarship

Four Types of Chiasmus in Deuteronomy and Jeremiah, with Implications for the Book of Mormon

Students of biblical literature and of the Book of Mormon can now access an important new volume on chiasmus, Chiasmus: The State of the Art, just published as a special…

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Posted in Creation Evidence Gratitude Miracles Prophets Scholarship Science Videos

A Most Appropriate Thanksgiving Message for This Day: President Nelson on the Power of Gratitude

I just listened to President Nelson’s short message delivered at noon (Central Time) via Youtube. I always enjoy listening to this kind, wise man, but he greatly exceeded my expectations….

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Posted in Book of Mormon Book of Moses Evidence language Media Origins Scholarship Scripture Videos

Video of My Presentation with Noel Reynolds, “’Strong Like Unto Moses’: The Case for Ancient Roots in the Book of Moses”

On Sept. 18 and 19, 2020 in Provo, Utah, the Interpreter Foundation sponsored a virtual conference, “Tracing Ancient Threads in the Book of Moses.” Dr. Noel Reynolds and I collaborated…

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Posted in COVID freedom government health politics Science Society Surviving

The Dangers of Censorship: Static Science, Diminished Liberty, and a Population in the Dark

A few weeks ago I made a post on that cited a report on the apparent media censorship of information on a certain compound that many doctors were finding…

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Posted in Ancient Near East Antiquity Book of Mormon Evidence Hebrew language Scholarship Scripture Translation

An Update in the Scholarship Regarding the Archaic Language in the Book of Mormon

One of the most interesting puzzles about the Book of Mormon is the recent discovery that much of the language is archaic in ways not easily explained by imitating the…

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Posted in Charity children Faith Family Gospel of Jesus Christ health Prayer Sacrifice Service Stories

“I Think It Helps Them”: A Young Boy with Cancer Teaches Us About Service, Duty, and Patience with Naughty Children

Steven J. Lund’s talk at the recent October 2020 General Conference focused on “Finding Joy in Christ.” It began with a story from his young son, a deacon, who lost…

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Posted in Bible Book of Mormon Critics language Origins Scholarship Scripture

Turning Gems into Dirt: The Case for Adam Clarke as a Source for the “Inspired Translation” of the Bible

John Dehlin with his podcasts and videos criticizing the Church has recently stirred up a lot of interest in the “amazing” and “historic” case of “plagiarism” against Joseph Smith based…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Critics Evidence history

No, B.H. Roberts Did Not Abandon Belief in the Book of Mormon

Sad to see an irresponsible critic of the Church pushing the easily debunked theory that a General Authority, B.H. Roberts, lost his testimony due to the overwhelming problems in the…

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Posted in Book of Abraham Book of Mormon Evidence Scholarship Scripture

Growing Evidence for the Scriptures: Now a Centralized Source to Consider

If you’ve been following the steady stream of interesting findings and insights regarding the LDS scriptures at Book of Mormon Central ( and Pearl of Great Price Central (, you…

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