Category: Arabia
Arabia’s Hidden Valley: Guest Post by Warren Aston
ARABIA’S HIDDEN VALLEY A strictly scientific look at Khor Kharfot as a candidate for Nephi’s Bountiful Warren P. Aston Copyright 2013 Regular readers will be aware that most LDS researchers have…
Biodiversity at Khor Kharfot, a Leading Candidate for Ancient Bountiful in the Arabian Peninsula
I think the average LDS person still has little appreciation for recent discoveries in the Arabian Peninsula over the past couple of decades that provide interesting evidence for plausibility of…
“Whither Shall I Go for Ore?” – Another Subtle Requirement for Bountiful’s THREE Excellent Candidates
Among the many shreds of allegedly non-existent evidence in favor of the authenticity of the Book of Mormon, some of the recent finds in the Arabian Peninsula are perhaps the…
Warren Aston on the Superiority of Khor Kharfot as a Candidate for Bountiful
In spite of my appreciation for the highly interesting work of George Potter regarding the Arabian Peninsula and First Nephi, I find Warren Aston’s earlier approach to be more convincing….
Reminder: Don’t Overlook Nahom
While on the topic of the Arabian Peninsula, let me just reiterate that there is solid evidence for the plausibility of First Nephi as an ancient text based on its…