Posted in Book of Mormon Books Evidence Geography Scholarship

Thumbs Up to Mormon’s Codex (But Buy the Physical Book, Not Deseret’s Flawed Ebook)

I’m nearing the end of John Sorenson’s monumental tome, Mormon’s Codex: An Ancient American Book, and highly recommend it. There is a lifetime of serious research from a good scholar…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Evidence Geography Mesoamerica Problems Scholarship

More Thoughts on the Heartland Model of Book of Mormon Geography

The Book of Mormon Archeology Foundation ( has a handy short list of major flaws with the recent “Heartland Model” for Book of Mormon geography. While most LDS scholars who grapple…

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Posted in Apologetics Book of Mormon Geography Scholarship

Not That Simple: Book of Mormon Geography and Dating

Those with interest in either supporting or attacking the Book of Mormon using science can make a host of unintentional errors. Sometimes the errors come from misreading or misapplying the…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Geography Scholarship

Book of Mormon Geography: Consider Attending the Book of Mormon Lands Conference, Oct. 23

The Book of Mormon Archaeological Forum ( is announcing an interesting event on Oct. 23, the Book of Mormon Lands Conference. What a terrific line up of speakers! Richard Bushman…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Evidence Geography Mesoamerica Scholarship

Away from the Heartland: Joseph Smith, John Lloyd Stephens, and a Mesoamerican Setting for the Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon Archeology Foundation [Aug. 2024 update: the website recently became defunct, so links are to archived pages] has decided it’s time to speak out against what…

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Posted in Apologetics Book of Mormon DNA Evidence Geography

Misguided Zeal: DNA Evidence for Book of Mormon Geography

There are a few LDS folks giving seminars and firesides trying to prove that the correct location for Book of Mormon lands is in the New York and Great Lakes…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Geography Mesoamerica

Brant Gardner on Questionable Book of Mormon Geography

“Too Good To Be True: Questionable Archaeology and the Book of Mormon” by Brant Gardner reviews two recent works on Book of Mormon geography that rely on artifacts now proven…

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Posted in Apologetics Book of Mormon Critics DNA Evidence Geography Mesoamerica Problems

Of Zelph, Lamanites, Geography, and DNA

In my opinion, the text of the Book of Mormon inherently points to a limited geographical scope for the New World events it describes. That geography is remarkably self-consistent and…

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