Category: Critics
A Surprising Issue in Presidential Politics: Do Mormons Believe Satan Is the Brother of Jesus Christ??
Do Mormons Believe Satan the Brother of Jesus Christ?? This issue is coming up with surprising frequency, at least from my vantage point (including email I receive). It’s a question…
Cramming for the Eternal Salvation Quiz: One Wrong Theological Answer and You’re Doomed
Do you ever get frustrated with those who seem to say that Mormons are doomed because they’ve got some detail of theology wrong? Our failure to understand and accept Trinitarian…
“If Only 10% of These Charges, Are True, The Church is False” – The Fallacy of Quantity Versus Quality
In one of my first experiences in helping to teach the Gospel out here in Wisconsin, we had a new convert in our home who had been given volumes of…
Another Scientist Takes on Southerton’s Inadequate Science
A new edition (volume 17) of FARMS Review of Books is out. There you can read an article of great value in the current DNA debates: “Missing the Boat to…
Ethan Smith’s View of the Hebrews: A Source for the Book of Mormon
L. Ara Norwood’s book review, “ Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon at FARMS (FARMS Review of Books, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1990, pp. 187-204) deals…
Rejecting Mormon Folklore about the Former Restrictions on the Priesthood
My recent post on the recent common ancestors we probably all share challenges some once popular “Mormon folklore” attempts to explain the pre-1978 restrictions on the priesthood, the reasons for…
Joseph Smith and the Comoros Islands?
An LDS Website, Gerald Smith’s LDS Evidences, provides useful information in responding to an interesting question: Did Joseph Smith copy the names “Moroni” and “Cumorah”? It is interesting that the…
Extinct Indian Tribe Challenges “Asia Only” Theories for Origins of Ancient Americans
In the heated controversy about DNA and the Book of Mormon, critics have insisted that science has “proven” that the origins of ancient Americans were exclusively from northern Asia via…
Of Zelph, Lamanites, Geography, and DNA
In my opinion, the text of the Book of Mormon inherently points to a limited geographical scope for the New World events it describes. That geography is remarkably self-consistent and…