Category: Evidence
Extinct Indian Tribe Challenges “Asia Only” Theories for Origins of Ancient Americans
In the heated controversy about DNA and the Book of Mormon, critics have insisted that science has “proven” that the origins of ancient Americans were exclusively from northern Asia via…
Helaman 3 and the Problem of Deforestation
Brant Gardner has an excellent essay on Helaman chapter 3 and the issue of cement manufacture that addresses a particular problem with the famous passage at Helaman 3:6,7 referring to…
Volcanoes and the Book of Mormon: More Than Just Smoke
With all the recent excitement over discoveries in the Arabian Peninsula that shed light on First Nephi and the Book of Mormon, some critics have made progress in qualifying their…
Iron Ore Near Bountiful
Don Woodward called my attention to an impressive detail in support of the recent discovery of one or two excellent candidates for the place Bountiful in the Book of Mormon…
Of Zelph, Lamanites, Geography, and DNA
In my opinion, the text of the Book of Mormon inherently points to a limited geographical scope for the New World events it describes. That geography is remarkably self-consistent and…