Category: Faith
Governor George Romney Saved the Life of a Mafia Man: Lessons from Mario’s Conviction
Previously I discussed one of my favorite LDS videos, Mario’s Conviction: One Man’s Journey from Mafia to Mormon. It is a documentary produced by Avalanche Studios, owned by my brother,…
Two “Easy” Ways to Get Answers to Prayers
Back in my days at BYU, ahortly after gatting married, I was quite happy to be part of a local “city ward,” the Provo Ninth Ward – Hugh Nibley’s home…
Do Big Tragedies Negate Small Miracles?
In a previous post (currently on hold while I consult with the source on what details I should share), I referred to the many small miracles that have blessed people…
Maybe Obedience Isn’t a Dirty Word After All
One of the passages of scripture I’ve used frequently discussions with fellow Christians objecting to LDS beliefs comes from Deuteronomy 4:2. I’ve often used that in clarifying some Book of…
Adam and the Fall: God’s Plan Thwarted?
We’ve had a few comments recently from people who disagree with the LDS view of the plan of salvation, especially our understanding of the purpose of life and the destiny…
Cramming for the Eternal Salvation Quiz: One Wrong Theological Answer and You’re Doomed
Do you ever get frustrated with those who seem to say that Mormons are doomed because they’ve got some detail of theology wrong? Our failure to understand and accept Trinitarian…
Reaching Out to the Suicidal – And My Little Cell Phone Miracle
I’m glad to see Church magazines dealing more with some of the gritty issues of life. The Feb. 2007 New Era magazine, aimed at youth, has an excellent Q&A section…
Need a Little Help with that Spleen? My Discomfort with the Bicycle Analogy
The bicycle analogy of the Atonement, from Stephen Robinson’s generally praiseworthy and excellent book, Believing Christ, has become well known among Latter-day Saints. I’ve usually just thought of it as…
Don’t Forget Cement
I continue to be intrigued by the way that “ridiculous” elements in the Book of Mormon eventually become significant evidences of authenticity. The mention of cement in Helaman 3 is…