Category: Miracles
Two “Easy” Ways to Get Answers to Prayers
Back in my days at BYU, ahortly after gatting married, I was quite happy to be part of a local “city ward,” the Provo Ninth Ward – Hugh Nibley’s home…
Do Big Tragedies Negate Small Miracles?
In a previous post (currently on hold while I consult with the source on what details I should share), I referred to the many small miracles that have blessed people…
Open Your Eyes: A Tongan Miracle in a Peruvian Airport
When I drove my son down to the Chicago Temple recently, he read to me a chapter, “Open Your Eyes!”, from John Groberg’s book, Anytime, Anywhere (Salt Lake: Deseret Book,…
Reaching Out to the Suicidal – And My Little Cell Phone Miracle
I’m glad to see Church magazines dealing more with some of the gritty issues of life. The Feb. 2007 New Era magazine, aimed at youth, has an excellent Q&A section…
The Breath of Life: Jennifer Sabin Sattley and the Amazing Sacrifice of Two Ward Members
The October 2006 Ensign (in print but not yet online) shares the story of Jennifer Sabin Sattley, a beautiful 24-year-old and new bride. Jenny would have died long ago from…
The Reality of Miracles in the Church
Many people wish we would tone our religion down and quit talking about miracles like the First Vision, the golden plates and their translation, the ministering of angels, and divinely…
More on Miracles: Rawlins Airport, Wyoming, 1983
In a previous post I discussed the issue of miracles. Here’s one more story from my father that I have permission to share. In 1983 my father left KSL radio…