Posted in Antiquity Apologetics Atonement Book of Mormon Book of Moses Charity Evidence Faith Gospel of Jesus Christ Hebrew Jesus Christ Repentance Sacrifice

Was the Sacrifice of the Messiah Really Needed? How the Book of Moses + Book of Mormon May Help Remove a Stumbling Block

I received a thoughtful question from a former member of the Church who struggles with our belief that a sacrifice of the Messiah was really necessary to save mankind. Based…

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Posted in Atonement Book of Mormon Doctrine Grace Missionaries Repentance Stories War

The Glue of Forgiveness and the Anti-Nephi-Lehies (the People of Ammon)

As I ponder the many messages of Christmas, one in particular comes from a dramatic story in the Book of Mormon about a large group of Lamanites, the “Anti-Nephi-Lehies” or…

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Posted in Ancient Near East Antiquity Bible Book of Mormon Books Charity Christianity covenants Critics Doctrine Evidence Faith Gospel of Jesus Christ Greek history Repentance Restoration

Relational Faith: An Essential Book for Understanding “Faith” as Used in New Testament Times and for Appreciating the Restoration

There’s a new book, Brent Schmidt’s Relational Faith, that may be one of the best resources around to help Latter-day Saints and perhaps many other Christians understand and explain what…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Books Doctrine Evidence history Origins Problems Repentance Scholarship Scripture Translation

A Simple Example from the Book of Mormon Showing Why Scholarship Is Needed

Many Latter-day Saints seem unaware of the great body of scholarship that can strengthen faith and understanding for members of the Church and those exploring it. Such scholarship can be…

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Posted in Bible Book of Abraham Christianity Evidence Faith Gospel of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Repentance Resurrection Sacrifice The Church

The Light of Christ and the Birth of Christ

This is the short message I gave near the end of the musical Christmas Devotional for the Appleton, Wisconsin Stake on Dec. 24, 2022 in Neenah, Wisconsin. The Light of…

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Posted in Antiquity Bible Christianity Doctrine Evidence Gospel of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Repentance

John 8 and the Woman Taken in Adultery: A Faith Promoting Fabrication?

For years I’ve had a question mark in my mind over John 8:1-11 with its beautiful and inspiring story of Christ’s merciful treatment of the woman taken in adultery. The…

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Posted in Faith Gospel of Jesus Christ MIssionary work Repentance Secret Combinations Society Stories

Governor George Romney Saved the Life of a Mafia Man: Lessons from Mario’s Conviction

Previously I discussed one of my favorite LDS videos, Mario’s Conviction: One Man’s Journey from Mafia to Mormon. It is a documentary produced by Avalanche Studios, owned by my brother,…

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Posted in Gospel of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Prophets Repentance Uncategorized

Rejecting Living Apostles and Prophets: A Deceptively Easy Path to Righteousness

One commenter here at Mormanity explained how Mormons are in an untenable position due to our belief in modern prophets and divine authority, for we have to defend EVERY prophet…

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