Posted in Books BYU General history Scholarship

Lost Treasures from the Maxwell Institute?

I noted with some anxiety last week that my many hundreds of links to archived articles, books, and other scholarly materials at the Maxwell Institute ( all became dead as…

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Posted in Books Christianity history International Society The Church

Canadian Mormons by Roy and Carma Prete: Interview with the Authors by Erin Gazdik

A valuable new contribution to the history of the Latter-day Saints will be published this month. Canadian Mormons: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Canada edited by…

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Posted in Ancient Near East Book of Mormon Books Egyptian Evidence Hebrew Israel language Mesoamerica Scholarship Translation

Uto-Aztecan and Its Connection to Near Eastern Languages, Part 3: The Egyptian Infusion, Plus the Explanatory Power of Stubbs’ Framework

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, we introduced examples of cognates characteristic of two Semitic infusions into Uto-Aztecan, named by Stubbs as the Semitic-p and Semitic-kw infusions,…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Books Evidence Geography Scholarship

Thumbs Up to Mormon’s Codex (But Buy the Physical Book, Not Deseret’s Flawed Ebook)

I’m nearing the end of John Sorenson’s monumental tome, Mormon’s Codex: An Ancient American Book, and highly recommend it. There is a lifetime of serious research from a good scholar…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Books Hebrew language Scholarship

Hebraic Language Influence in Ancient America?

I’ve been reading John Sorenson’s Mormon’s Codex, whose electronic version happily now includes the maps, added in an update a few days ago. It’s a monumental work with many treasures…

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Posted in Books Critics Gospel of Jesus Christ Islam Media The Church

Review: Day of Defense by Scott Thormaehlen

Scott Thormaehlen’s new book, Day of Defense: Positive Talking Points for the Latter Days (Springville, UT: Cedar Fort, 2013) aims to help readers deal with misunderstandings and accusations regarding LDS…

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Posted in Books Leadership Policies Priesthood Race The Church

Updated Review of Black and Mormon

Many Latter-day Saints shouted with joy or at least breathed a sigh of relief on June 9, 1978 when the Church announced that any worthy male could be eligible to…

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