Category: Scripture
Washing Clay from the Eyes: How Enoch Became a Seer
Recently I have observed how the Book of Mormon uses ancient themes related to rising from the dust to convey meaning related to covenant keeping, repentance, resurrection, and enthronement, with…
The Great and Spacious Book of Mormon Arcade Game
My two recent articles on Lehi’s Trail at The Interpreter (“Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Map, Part 1” and Part 2) have been noted and responded to by RT…
The Chain that Veils: A Word Play in Moses 7:26?
As I’ll explain in more detail in the near future, an important verse in considering possible connections between the ancient brass plates and the Book of Moses is found in… Offers “Gospel Topics” Section on the Historicity and Translation of the Book of Abraham
Among the growing body of helpful and carefully researched topics discussed in the “Gospel Topics” section of the website, the Church has recently provided a statement that addresses some…
An Ancient Tradition of Writing on Metal? Surprise (?) from a Newly Translated Ancient Hebrew Text
“Fate of Ark of the Covenant Revealed in Hebrew Text” is the title of an intriguing news item at dated Jan. 7, 2014. It discusses a newly translated ancient…
Isis and Maat in Facsimile 3 of the Book of Abraham: A Horrific Blunder by Joseph Smith?
A recent post here at Mormanity, “Shulem in the Book of Abraham: Possible Plausibility?,” suggested that the name Shulem given by Joseph Smith in Facsimile 3 might be more interesting…
Two Paths in a Complex Book
In my last post, I discussed the issue of war in the Book of Mormon and the diverse experiences it covers. One reader commented that the Book of Mormon doesn’t…
Truer Than Ever: The Book of Abraham
One of the biggest challenges to my personal testimony of the reality of the Restoration came when I was serving as Bishop years ago. I was exploring one of the…
Inept Deceipt in the Inspired Version? The Problem with Errant Assumptions
Here’s a friendly inquiry abut differences in the Book of Mormon and the “Inspired Version” of the Bible from someone who I don’t think was really looking for an answer:…
Protecting Religious Freedom: LDS Apostle Elder Dallin H. Oaks Calls for Unity, Respect for Constitutional Liberty
Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke today at Chapman University on the topic of protecting religious freedom. Chapman University is a prestigious private university…