Posted in Education government history Society

Pro-Choice for Education

I am dismayed that some people who pride themselves on being pro-choice stand for choice when it comes to the decision of a parent to terminate a young human’s life,…

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Posted in freedom government Industry Inflation

Bounty Hunters, Jealous Boyfriends, Stalkers, and Lazy Hit Men: How Much Should Your Phone Company Charge to Tell Them Where You Are Right Now?

Here’s a question to ponder: To be fair and responsible, just how much should your phone company charge for your jealous boyfriend or angry ex-spouse to know where you are…

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Posted in freedom government Secret Combinations Society

Too Complex! Don’t Confuse Me with that Military-Industrial Thing

I am surprised how many Americans who care deeply about politics and current events don’t seem to have considered the forces that act on and influence government. During a recent…

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Posted in Communism freedom government history Industry politics Social Issues Society Surviving

How Quickly Freedom is Lost: Remembering FDR’s NRA

Were any of you around in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s day? I am amazed at how he is praised in our modern textbooks, with little critical discussion of what he did to Japanese Americans or to the Constitution of this land. While the precedent he set of massive executive power grabs continues unabated in our day, there are some lessons from his reign that should be remembered by those who seem eager to trust a President with power far beyond the intent of our Founding Fathers. For example, consider FDR’s National Recovery Administration (NRA)…

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