Posted in freedom Industry Prophets Social Issues Society War

“The False Gods We Worship”: Why Is This First Presidency Message So Hard to Find When Searching?

UPDATE, DAY 0: With the help of my untrustworthy but still very smart friend, ChatGPT 4, I was able to determine that the reason a controversial 1976 First Presidency message…

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Posted in Ancient Near East Book of Moses Scholarship Scripture Social Issues

A Slow Learner, But a Fast Liar: Meet ChatGPT, the Smart Research Tool Willing to Make Up Quotations

After being disappointed with the blatant political biases of ChatGPT, as discussed in my previous post about my efforts to examine issues related to abortion and race, I remained hopeful…

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Posted in abortion freedom General government Humor Industry language Media News poetry politics Scholarship Social Issues Society

Can We Have an Honest Chat About Abortion and Race? Not With ChatGPT

    Curious about the knowledge of the impressive new Artificial Intelligence tool, ChatGPT, I started my day with a question about abortion and race. This tool, now owned by…

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Posted in children Family gender Gospel of Jesus Christ LGBTQ Policies politics Prophets Social Issues

The Church Announces Support for a Bill Supporting Same-Sex Marriage

The Church has spoken in favor of a federal bill supporting same-sex marriage, while still maintaining the position that homesexual activity is inconsistent with the teachings of the Gospel. Here…

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Posted in abortion Communism Family freedom Friends government health News politics Sacrifice Service Social Issues Society

A Catholic Family Gets a Visit From the FBI: A Time to Carefully Follow Stories on Threats to Religious Freedom

The opening talk of the October 2022 General Conference, “Caring for the Poor and Distressed” by Elder Dallin H. Oaks, asked us to not only do more to help to…

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Posted in children Critics government Media News Social Issues

AP’s Narrative-Based Reporting on the Church’s Handling of an Abuse Case in Arizona

The Associated Press recently published an article about a case of abuse in Arizona that sharply criticized the Church. In “Seven years of sex abuse: How Mormon officials let it…

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FAIR Conference 2022
Posted in Evidence Family General Gospel of Jesus Christ Scholarship Scripture Social Issues

Watch the 2022 FAIR Conference for Free!

Watch the 2022 FAIR Conference for free! Formerly the FAIR Mormon Conference, the FAIR Conference features many outstanding Latter-day Saint scholars and authors who share insights on many important topics…

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Xiaogang, Anhui contract
Posted in Books Business China Communism freedom government Industry Society

China Has More to Offer Than Fireworks When It Comes to Celebrating Liberty

The story of China’s economic revolution is barely known in the West, but has some vitally important lessons for all of us. Here I report on my trek to the small village in Anhui Province where that revolution began, and tell the story desperation and courage among a small group of farmers who risked their lives in 1978 to defy collectivism. Instead of being punished, their incredible success inspired Deng Xiao Ping and helped bring the blessings of increased economic liberty and prosperity to many millions in China. It was a quiet revolution that became a thunder sweeping China. The lessons from that revolution are now needed in the West.

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Reardon meta-analysis: 50% increase in materla deaths after abortion
Posted in abortion children Family freedom health Policies politics Scholarship Science The Church

Discussing Abortion With Your Children and Others: Please Include the Science on the Health of Women

Members of  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who understand the Church’s position on abortion or the reasons for its emphasis on the family and the sanctity of human life need to be better prepared to talk to our children and others about the issue of abortion. As we listen gently to sincere questions or concerns, we must also find the right moments to teach based on sound doctrine but also sound science.

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Posted in children Doctrine health Scripture Social Issues The Church

A Terrible Time to Be Alive? Helping Our Children Resist One of the Most Harmful Lies of the Adversary

A faithful Young Women’s leader here in Wisconsin was recently teaching some of her young women about the importance of family and the sacred blessings that come from raising children. One girl raised her hand and said she didn’t think she should have any children because her teachers at school had explained that the earth is about to run our of air and water, making this a terrible time to bring more children into the world.

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