Category: Social Issues
Religious Freedom: An Easy Freedom to Lose (Praise for Cole Durham)
Religious freedom is a blessing and right that everyone should have, but one of the easiest liberties to lose. Intolerance and bigotry are rarely noticed by those afflicted with those…
Maintaining a Christian Attitude Toward the Stimulus Package
So much contention is being stirred by the proposed stimulus program! Maybe most of the money is going to bureaucracy, special interests, wasteful programs, and fraud, and maybe it does…
Governor Rod Blagojevich vs. Former Governor George Romney: Insights from a Mafia Conversion Story
I was in Chicago yesterday, and I was there the week before – yes, I admit that I have been there several times and have a few friends there. But…
How Quickly Freedom is Lost: Remembering FDR’s NRA
Were any of you around in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s day? I am amazed at how he is praised in our modern textbooks, with little critical discussion of what he did to Japanese Americans or to the Constitution of this land. While the precedent he set of massive executive power grabs continues unabated in our day, there are some lessons from his reign that should be remembered by those who seem eager to trust a President with power far beyond the intent of our Founding Fathers. For example, consider FDR’s National Recovery Administration (NRA)…
See No, Hear No, Speak No Good
Our prejudices about religion or other topics can keep us from hearing, seeing, or speaking good. Sometimes what others have – Mormon, Catholics, Evangelicals, whoever – might be remarkably praiseworthy,…
A Brief Reprieve from Insanity: Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Partial Birth Abortion
Wonderfully, the lives of some viable children may be spared after five of the nine Supreme Court Justices ruled that it’s OK to ban the grotesque and absolutely unnecessary slaying…
Reaching Out to the Suicidal – And My Little Cell Phone Miracle
I’m glad to see Church magazines dealing more with some of the gritty issues of life. The Feb. 2007 New Era magazine, aimed at youth, has an excellent Q&A section…
Secret Combinations: Should We Care What the Book of Mormon Says?
Ether 8 and many other parts of the Book of Mormon warn against the great dangers of powerful secret combinations whose members gain great power and wealth and eventually cause…
Real Prophets, Real Men: Opposing Pornography
True prophets in biblical times were always speaking out against popular but evil trends. The intellectuals, the elite, the celebrities, and other opinion molders of the day often despised the…