Posted in abortion freedom health politics Social Issues Society The Church

Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Worship, and Freedom of Religious Belief: The Differences Matter

Extremist feet (size 13) in even more extreme shoes. Photo taken at the Holland display in Royal Park Rajapruek, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2015. Three years ago, Wesley J. Smith writing…

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Posted in MIssionary work Society

“And Their Numbers Were Few”

“And it came to pass that I beheld the church of the Lamb of God, and its numbers were few….” – 1 Nephi 14:12 Here’s a common question that LDS…

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Posted in Faith Gospel of Jesus Christ MIssionary work Repentance Secret Combinations Society Stories

Governor George Romney Saved the Life of a Mafia Man: Lessons from Mario’s Conviction

Previously I discussed one of my favorite LDS videos, Mario’s Conviction: One Man’s Journey from Mafia to Mormon. It is a documentary produced by Avalanche Studios, owned by my brother,…

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Posted in Society Travel

Have to Admit: I Love the New Salt Lake City

I have just spent a few wonderful days in Salt Lake City, staying with family while attending a conference at the Salt Palace Convention Center (wow, one of the best…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Communism freedom politics Social Issues Society

Preserving Freedom: Hard to Do in Ignorance

For decades, Americans have skated though what we call education without basic information about the founding of this nation and the principles of liberty that our Founding Fathers taught. We…

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Posted in MIssionary work politics Secret Combinations Society Uncategorized

Governor Rod Blagojevich vs. Former Governor George Romney: Insights from a Mafia Conversion Story

I was in Chicago yesterday, and I was there the week before – yes, I admit that I have been there several times and have a few friends there. But…

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Posted in Communism freedom government history Industry politics Social Issues Society Surviving

How Quickly Freedom is Lost: Remembering FDR’s NRA

Were any of you around in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s day? I am amazed at how he is praised in our modern textbooks, with little critical discussion of what he did to Japanese Americans or to the Constitution of this land. While the precedent he set of massive executive power grabs continues unabated in our day, there are some lessons from his reign that should be remembered by those who seem eager to trust a President with power far beyond the intent of our Founding Fathers. For example, consider FDR’s National Recovery Administration (NRA)…

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Posted in Secret Combinations Society War

Secret Combinations: Should We Care What the Book of Mormon Says?

Ether 8 and many other parts of the Book of Mormon warn against the great dangers of powerful secret combinations whose members gain great power and wealth and eventually cause…

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