Category: Uncategorized
If You’re Supporting Mormon Candidate Evan McMullin, At Least Understand Why: A Hint for Principled Conservatives
In response to my post on not hating those who vote for either of the troubling top candidates for president in the U.S., one LDS reader breathlessly praised Marybeth Glenn’s…
The Home Teachers Who Were Told to Go Away
At the recent District Conference of the Shanghai International District, Elder Randy Funk of the Seventy shared an experience he had as a new bishop. As he reviewed the names…
Don’t Hate Voters Seeking for the Lesser of Two Deplorables
A young blogger known for advocacy of progressive causes in the name of tolerance and empathy recently expressed how angry she gets when she encounters those with different viewpoints on…
Nephi’s Larger Chiasms: New Insights into His Intentional Craftsmanship
The issue of chiasmus in the Book of Mormon has been a hot topic ever since John Welch discovered this interesting ancient Semitic form of introverted parallelism in the Book…
Internal Book of Mormon Evidence: The Lesson of Proto-Indo-European (Guest Post from Jamie Huston of Gently Hew Stone)
The following post is kindly provided by Jamie Huston, author of the blog Gently Hew Stone, where it was previously published. The points he makes are straightforward and valuable, and…
Federal Bathroom Intrusion: US Government Accidentally Gives Huge Boost to Home Schooling
While fans of President Obama assured outraged parents that the executive decree on bathroom policies was nothing to worry about, the reality of males entering women’s bathrooms or locker rooms…
Emergency Preparedness Tip, Courtesy of Wells Fargo: Dont Trust Your Bank
Latter-day Saints have long been encouraged to prepare for tough times by having food storage and basic supplies as well as some savings. Once again, I wish to recommend that…
News on David Sneddon: Former Missionary May Have Paid a Heavy Price for Fluency in Korean
There’s a downside to the gift of tongues, which is often alluded to in describing the ability of many missionaries to pick up a foreign language quickly. In one former…
The Longer Ending of Mark and the Book of Mormon, Part 4: Internal Evidence Including the Exodus Theme
Recently we surveyed a small fraction of the external evidence supporting what is called the “longer ending” of Mark, our current Mark 16:9-20, which is viewed by many Bible scholars…
Add This Scarce Resource to Your Emergency Supplies
Many Latter-day Saints do a good job of preparing for emergencies by storing food, water, and other essential supplies for times of trouble. But there is one valuable resource they…