Category: Uncategorized
Another Reason Why the Ancient Covenant Formulary Matters
Some LDS writers have talked about the ancient covenant pattern found in the Near East as possible evidence for the ancient authenticity of the Book of Mormon (where it may…
Professor Explains Why Mormons Don’t Like Trump (and My Thoughts on Dissent)
I apologize for stepping into political topics in this post, which I prefer to avoid most of the time here. I especially apologize to supporters of Donald Trump, for I…
An Annoying but Beautiful Passage: Isaiah 55:8-9 (“My Ways Are Higher…”) and Its Link to Continuing Revelation
Isaiah 55:8-9 may be one of the most annoying passages in scripture. Not because it isn’t true and beautifully expressed, but because of how it has been abused for centuries….
Ready for Negative Interest Rates?
On a temporal note (the theme “provident living” being my excuse), here’s a heads up on one of the craziest things on our economic horizons: negative interest rates. Desperate governments…
Recommended Resources for Dealing with the Extremes of Biblical Criticism
For students of the scriptures who are interested in understanding modern debates over the Bible as history as well as the impact of Higher Criticism on the Book of Mormon,…
Scholars and Faith: The Conversion of Heinz Cassirer
One of the tragedies of modern biblical scholarship is the unnecessary loss of faith it has brought to many believers who have mistaken the frequently shifting declarations of scholars for…
The Yoke of Christ: Ancient Insights Related to Grace and Works
Last year while pondering Christ’s famous command to take his yoke upon us, I wondered if some of the symbolism of the LDS temple might be relevant. As I explored…
A Witness of Book of Mormon Authenticy from a Non-LDS Scholar: Translation of the Afrikaans Version
Faith promoting stories sometimes have obvious weaknesses that can justify discarding the story as just another errant rumor. This can often be the case when enthusiastic LDS believers repeat something…
Another Book of Mormon Publication in a non-LDS Academic Source
Since some people refuse to seriously consider Book of Mormon evidence unless it’s in a non-LDS academic sources, I’m happy to help these earnest pursuers of truth by pointing out…
A Significant Scholarly Publication Includes Two Articles on Hebrew Elements in the Book of Mormon
For those who refuse to consider Book of Mormon evidence until it appears in academic publications subject to peer review, I’m happy to report that two articles from Dr. John…