For a forthcoming publication I’m working on, I’d like to include some examples of multidisciplinary women who use multiple talents to have a dramatic impact on society (e.g., innovators, entrepreneurs, teachers, business leaders, community leaders) while also being or having been great moms. It’s not about “super moms” or multi-tasking, but the benefits that can come when people develop multiple talents that can come together in unusual ways to bring success. The people may be stay-at-home moms who pursued new ventures once the kids were mostly grown up or those who managed kids and career simultaneously, or other variations. Naturally, I’d like the story to have a pro-family/pro-mom twist. Any leads are welcome. Could be LDS, but doesn’t have to be.
Similar examples for fathers are welcome, too. (Already have some material, but could use more.)
Suggestions (with reasons) can be sent to jeff at jefflindsay d0t com or entered in the comment box.
When Dr. Bruno had a temporary library job overseas in a Muslim country, his wife "Bored in Vernal" coached a ladies (high school or college, I forget) basketball team.
Her blog is at:
Look there for contact information, or on her husband's blog at:
They have 8 children. The 3 oldest have completed honorable missions, and the 4th is now in the MTC.
I know a couple of amazing women who have been my mentors. They have created a company that mentors homeschool moms to create what they call Commonwealth Schools. Anneladde Milne and Tiffany Earle – you can contact them at Another such woman is Kathy Mellor, you can contact her at are all outstanding mothers who are changing the world.
Cyndi Hampton