Coping with the Corona Virus: A New Report on Glucosamine and Other Nutriceuticals, and an Update on Masks
I irritated some readers (as I often do) in February when I shared some thoughts from another reader about the possible importance of glucosamine in helping pneumonia patients survive. I’m…
The Last Plane to Shanghai
On Friday at midnight in China, a ban on foreigners entering China went into effect. What may have been the last plane before the ban from North America to Shanghai…
The Great War Against the Virus: Maybe It’s Time We Give Peace a Chance
I was saddened to hear the views online of some of the college students partying in Florida during spring break. Not just because they seemed so oblivious to the health…
President Nelson Gives a Message of Hope at This Troubled Time
As so many people struggle and worry with the craziness and uncertainty of COVID-19 and the Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2), it was a welcome relief to listen to President Nelson’s thoughtful…
COVID-19 Repsonse: Church Gatherings Suspended for Now, Worldwide
Today the Church announces that Church gatherings are temporarily suspended worldwide. China led the way in having members adapt to cancelled Church meetings, building swiftly on our experience with the…
Skip Church if You Are Ill and Other Tips for Coping with COVID-19 and the Corona Virus (SARS-CoV-2)
In my previous posts warning about the need to prepare for the Corona virus, my greatest concern has not been the risk of getting ill, but the risk of a…
The Power of Trust
What a blessing it is to have friends who are truly honest and trustworthy! Can you imagine what life would be like if we lived in a society where such…
Requesting Review from Medical Experts: Can Glucosamine Help Reduce COVID-19 Mortality?
Update: 7/14/2020: While some here have disputed that nutrition could play a significant role in fighting COVID-19, a new study points to Vitamin D as a key factor. See “Vitamin…
I Hope You’ve Gotten the Message About the Corona Virus Threat
Don’t treat the SARS-COV-2 virus lightly. It’s surprising to me to see how many people in the US are not concerned about the still mysterious disease, COVID-2019, which is causing…
A Church Prepared for Crisis: The Timeliness of the Church’s Emphasis on Home-Centered Worship
When the Church announced in 2018 that it was shifting to less Sunday time in Church buildings and a greater emphasis on learning and worship at home, the reasons for…