Travel Tip for the Netherlands: Visit the Amsterdam Ward!
Some of the best experiences on my travels to various parts of the world have occurred when I was able to attend local a local church service. Always something interesting…
Much Ado About Creation Ex Nihilo
Robert Boylan in Ireland makes some salient points in his review of a recent debate between the Latter-day Saint Kwaku El and the Evangelical Jeremy Howard. I especially liked Robert’s…
Caffeine Update: Prenatal Risks
Many members of the Church interpret the Word of Wisdom’s prohibitions on tea and coffee as a hint that caffeine itself should be treated cautiously. But many feel that drinking…
An Alphabet TO the Book of Abraham: What Did Joseph Mean?
Here’s another look at some minor issues around the Book of Abraham and some of the gaps in the treatment in The Joseph Smith Papers, Revelations and Translations, Volume 4:…
Romancing the Rio Wreck: Evidence for Ancient Transoceanic Contact in the Americas vs. a Romantic Notion of Peer Review
As a Ph.D. linguist providing his peer-review of Brian Stubbs’ work on linguistic evidence of ancient Old World contact with the Americas as evidence by the Uto-Aztecan language family, Dr….
John S. Robertson Offers Strong Support for Brian Stubbs
Recently Brian Stubbs, a leading and widely respected expert on the Uto-Aztecan language family, provided a guest post with his detailed response to a harshly critical review of his work…
Puzzling Statement from Joseph Smith III May Raise a Book of Abraham Question: Could More of the Original Papyri Have Survived?
After a long trip from Shanghai to Amsterdam via Dubai yesterday, I awoke this morning with an intriguing question sent from Ryan Larsen, a fellow member of the Church and…
Feeling Blue About the Red Sea in the Book of Mormon?
Criticism about the Book of Mormon’s references to the Red Sea came up in some recent comments, so I thought I’d share a couple of perspectives that might be helpful…
Great New Temple Recommend Questions
The Church has announced a revision in the temple recommend questions. These are the questions that priesthood leaders are instructed to be ask members seeking recommends to participate in Temple…
Nathan Arp on an Apparent Egyptian Wordplay on the Name of Moses
One of the joys of living in Shanghai is just how much from around the world comes to this town. Whether you want to find interesting technology, conferences and trade…