Tag: banks
How to Win an Argument with God: A Lesson Sponsored by the Corona Virus
Ever since I participated in debate competitions in high school and maybe before, I have relished the occasional thrill of winning an argument against a smart opponent. Forgive me for…
Fake News of the Day: Your Bank Is Perfectly Safe. Don’t Worry.
Some readers here were shocked when I suggested that US banks are not a safe place to park your life’s savings. Let me ask for a moment: why do you…
As Good as Money in the Bank? Time to Worry More
A friend of mine, an attorney, had a job in California for a year and for convenience opened a bank account there with Wells-Fargo. He paid California income taxes that…
Emergency Preparedness Tip, Courtesy of Wells Fargo: Dont Trust Your Bank
Latter-day Saints have long been encouraged to prepare for tough times by having food storage and basic supplies as well as some savings. Once again, I wish to recommend that…
Where Thieves Break Through and Steal: Your Bank Account (in China or Elsewhere)
An increasing number of friends are reporting troubling cases of theft from their China bank accounts. One friend, after years of working in China and saving every penny, was preparing…