Tag: Book of Mormon
Another Fun Statistical Squabble Over Book of Mormon Origins
Hot dog! An intriguing statistical squabble is underway in Mormondom. You can dig into the details in Benjamin L. McGuire’s excellent article, “The Late War Against the Book of Mormon”…
Useful New Resource to Explore Meanings of Book of Mormon Names
The plausibility of Book of Mormon names has been an interesting and fruitful area for students of that ancient volume of scripture. There are many stories to be shared such…
Did Joseph Smith Blunder with an Impossible Quote from Malachi Before He Was Born?
In my last post, I mentioned that someone who left the Church cited the alleged plagiarism of Peter in Acts 3 as the first evidence in his list of objections…
Does 3 Nephi Wrongly Put Words from Peter in Christ’s Mouth? Another Book of Mormon Weakness … Becomes a Strength?
A popular attack on the Book of Mormon is the allegation of plagiarism, and a leading example cited by critics, including some who have left the Church, is 3 Nephi…
More Thoughts on the Heartland Model of Book of Mormon Geography
The Book of Mormon Archeology Foundation (BMAF.org) has a handy short list of major flaws with the recent “Heartland Model” for Book of Mormon geography. While most LDS scholars who grapple…
Newly Revised LDS Scriptures Released with a Few Important Updates
“Subtle . . . and Significant! Our New 2013 Edition of the Scriptures Addresses Controversies” is a must-read survey of the new update to the published scriptures just announced and…
“Eye Hath Not Seen”: Understanding the LDS Testimony
For those who want to understand the things of God and eternity only through the lenses attached to their own eyeballs, who can only believe what they can see, I…
From One Rightful King to Another: Aaron Preaching to King Lamoni’s Father, and Other Book of Mormon Intricacies
Fans of the Book of Mormon may better appreciate its literary depth and the intricate relationships between its characters after reading “In His Footsteps: Ammon₁ and Ammon₂” by Val Larsen…
Clifford Jones, The Great & Marvelous Change: Great Example of Digging Deeply into the Book of Mormon Text
Clifford Jones’ new book, The Great & Marvelous Change (coming soon now available at Amazon), is a 230-page work that builds upon his original publication, “The Great and Marvelous Change: An…
Yay, Yay or Neigh, Neigh? Horses, Pranks, and Book of Mormon Evidence
Book of Mormon defenders and enthusiasts have a lot to be excited about. From the discovery of carefully crafted chiasmus in the Book of Mormon to the discovery of intricate…