Tag: Book of Mormon
Publication on the Reynolds Arcade as the Great and Spacious Building in Lehi’s Tree of Life Vision
My recent exploration of Rick Grunder’s genuinely creative theories for the alleged fabrication of Lehi’s tree of life vision ended up in a more formal article for The Interpreter, just…
Many Great New Resources at LDS.org and on the LDS Gospel Library App
I am impressed with how rapidly the Church has moved in the past couple of years to make more information readily available to its members and the public. Have you…
Uto-Aztecan and Its Connection to Near Eastern Languages, Part 3: The Egyptian Infusion, Plus the Explanatory Power of Stubbs’ Framework
In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, we introduced examples of cognates characteristic of two Semitic infusions into Uto-Aztecan, named by Stubbs as the Semitic-p and Semitic-kw infusions,…
Washing Clay from the Eyes: How Enoch Became a Seer
Recently I have observed how the Book of Mormon uses ancient themes related to rising from the dust to convey meaning related to covenant keeping, repentance, resurrection, and enthronement, with…
The Longer Ending of Mark and the Book of Mormon, Part 4: Internal Evidence Including the Exodus Theme
Recently we surveyed a small fraction of the external evidence supporting what is called the “longer ending” of Mark, our current Mark 16:9-20, which is viewed by many Bible scholars…
The Longer Ending of Mark and the Book of Mormon, Part 3: More External Evidence
In my previous post, “The Longer Ending of Mark and the Book of Mormon, Part 2: External Evidence for Authenticity,” we looked at some of the evidence from early Christian…
The Book of Mormon Versus the Consensus of Scholars: Surprises from the Disputed Longer Ending of Mark (The Longer Ending of Mark, Part 1)
One of the most effective and interesting arguments against the Book of Mormon is that it quotes from the disputed ending of the Gospel of Mark. In Mormon 9:22-25, Mormon…
Weeping, Wailing, and Gnashing of Teeth? No Need to Grieve Over Another Case of Alleged Plagiarism in the Book of Mormon
“Weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth” in the Book of Mormon has been criticized as an obvious mistake based on plagiarizing the New Testament. But there’s no need to grieve…
The FAIRMormon Conference: Dealing with Data on the Language of the Book of Mormon
FAIRMormon had its annual conference recently. Transcripts of some of the talks will be available soon, but I recommend watching the presentations by paying for video access. I got up…
One of the Best Free Books Ever: Donald R. Parry, Poetic Parallelisms in the Book of Mormon: The Complete Text Reformatted
For those interested in evaluating the literary power or the Book of Mormon, or those wishing to better understand the artistry of the text, there’s a remarkable free book online…