Tag: provident living
Fake News of the Day: Your Bank Is Perfectly Safe. Don’t Worry.
Some readers here were shocked when I suggested that US banks are not a safe place to park your life’s savings. Let me ask for a moment: why do you…
As Good as Money in the Bank? Time to Worry More
A friend of mine, an attorney, had a job in California for a year and for convenience opened a bank account there with Wells-Fargo. He paid California income taxes that…
China’s Real Estate Market: A Potentially Significant Bubble
For those of you who recognize the huge impact of the Chinese economy on the global economy, I’ll share some good news and bad news. First, the good news is…
Ready for Negative Interest Rates?
On a temporal note (the theme “provident living” being my excuse), here’s a heads up on one of the craziest things on our economic horizons: negative interest rates. Desperate governments…
Where Thieves Break Through and Steal: Your Bank Account (in China or Elsewhere)
An increasing number of friends are reporting troubling cases of theft from their China bank accounts. One friend, after years of working in China and saving every penny, was preparing…
Provident Living: Some Practical Tips on Used Cars
While visiting family in Utah, I spent a good amount of time helping a son buy a used car. Here I’d like to share a few experiences that might help…
Homes Rented By Non-Owners: A Scam That Blessed One Woman in Chicago
There’s a rotten scam that is preying upon many needy Americans looking for places to rent. In one variation of this scam, a con artist gets detailed information about a…