Tag: sacrifice
Was the Sacrifice of the Messiah Really Needed? How the Book of Moses + Book of Mormon May Help Remove a Stumbling Block
I received a thoughtful question from a former member of the Church who struggles with our belief that a sacrifice of the Messiah was really necessary to save mankind. Based…
“The Chicken Sacrifices Are Working!” A Novel Approach for Coping with COVID-19
Sacrificial victims in Hong Kong, a low-COVID-19 city. “It’s not any lockdown that’s taming the virus,” Ollie explained to me in our interview. “It’s the chicken sacrifices. This would be…
(Deja) View on the Corona Virus
Please keep China in your prayers. The unprecedented efforts to contain the Corona virus may bring rapid success, I hope, but also bring great hardship to millions for a time….
What Vietnam Just Taught Me About Responding to Epidemics (Wuhan Coronavirus)
In China and many parts of the world, the price of face masks has jumped significantly. I tried buying some online to be shipped to my apartment when I get…
Travel Tip for the Netherlands: Visit the Amsterdam Ward!
Some of the best experiences on my travels to various parts of the world have occurred when I was able to attend local a local church service. Always something interesting…
John Hajicek on the Hidden Sacrifices Behind the Printing of the Book of Mormon
One of the really remarkable friends of the Church is John Hajicek (pronounced “high-check,” I believe). John is an expert in documents and LDS history with vast resources of knowledge…
“Here, Take My Camera”: Responding to the Miraculous Message and Convincing Power of the Book of Mormon
The Shanghai International District Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was held March 17 and 18, 2018, in Shanghai. The highlight by far was the musical…
Treasure in Heaven: The John Tanner Story, and a Perspective We Need Today
In the BYU TV programming between LDS General Conference sessions today, we had the pleasure of seeing the T.C. Christensen film, Treasure in Heaven, the powerful story of just how…
A Valued Life
This morning I was touched by Shanna P. Grow’s story of her daughter in “A Valued Life” in the June 2005 Ensign. Her daughter, Cami, was born with serious birth…