Posted in Book of Mormon Book of Moses language Scripture Witnesses

To Bear Testimony: Insights on a Popular Latter-day Saint Phrase and Its Connections to Modern Scripture and Early Modern English

Latter-day Saints often use the verb “bear” with “testimony” when expressing their religious conviction, as in “I’d like to bear my testimony that I know that Jesus Christ lives and…

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A few days ago a grieving mom in Shanghai, a good friend of ours, shared some tragic news with me: her teenage son had pancreatic cancer, one of the worst…

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Posted in Book of Mormon Evidence Gospel of Jesus Christ International Miracles MIssionary work Prayer Service Stories

“Here, Take My Camera”: Responding to the Miraculous Message and Convincing Power of the Book of Mormon

The Shanghai International District Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was held March 17 and 18, 2018, in Shanghai. The highlight by far was the musical…

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The Human Cost of Drawing People Away from Faith

Anti-Mormon zeal brings a high human cost, in my opinion. Sometimes I see people who seem to value attacking Mormonism more than actually helping the people they are supposedly trying…

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A Shanghai Testimony on the Hidden Wisdom Behind Callings

In the fast and testimony meeting held yesterday in one of the Shanghai branches, I heard a story from a woman who received a calling just weeks before they would…

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A Fellowship of Doubters

Terryl L. Givens’ “Letter to a Doubter” at the Mormon Interpreter is definitely worth a read, especially if you are struggling with the very normal and frequently healthy process of…

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Posted in Evidence Faith Science

On Evidence, Knowledge, and the Whims of the Heart

Continuing on the theme of the LDS testimony and how Mormons come to “know” some things that science can’t confirm, I’ll address a common misunderstanding. Mormon “knowledge,” some say, is…

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Posted in Evidence Faith Science

Mormon Testimonies and the Scientific Method

In a caricature of the LDS testimony, Mormons are said to believe in their religion because of a stray warm feeling that they mistake for knowledge from God. Some gullible…

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Relying on Human Knowledge and the Scientific Method (Alone): Recipe for Disaster

In some of my latest posts here and at the Nauvoo Times, I tried to explain that what we humans can perceive and understand is incredibly limited. In pointing out…

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“Eye Hath Not Seen”: Understanding the LDS Testimony

For those who want to understand the things of God and eternity only through the lenses attached to their own eyeballs, who can only believe what they can see, I…

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